Who We Are
Esther Sant
Chairperson & Co-Founder
I am 54 years old, married to Raymond, a mother of three grown up sons and grandmother to two wonderful children. At the turn of the millennium, when I was just 36 years old, I discovered three lumps in my breast and was diagnosed with breast cancer. A tough journey of surgery, treatment and psychological recovery ensued, with the cancer recurring twice more. This journey was a turning point in my life which led me to discover an aspect of myself I had never discovered before. I met wonderful people that helped me pick up the bits and pieces around me, stand back up on my feet and create something beautiful out of my new reality – the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation.
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Betty Hanley Lee
Committee Member
I came to Malta in 1988. I am now retired and have one daughter and 4 lovely grandchildren and one who is now an angel. I had breast cancer in 2005 and knew no one on the island with breast cancer until I went public about it on the media. I then trained as a mastectomy fitter for breast cancer survivors and that is how I met Esther Sant and Helen Muscat who were launching the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation. I became a member on day one and I also volunteer at the National Cancer Platform at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre where I can still meet breast cancer patients and continue helping them.
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Dr. Noel Buttigieg Scicluna
Committee Member
Lawyer, former Member of Parliament, former diplomat. I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost ten years ago. My lymph nodes were also compromised. I am a survivor in so far as I believe that one has to fight against the disease by continuing to live as normal a life as possible.  Lessons learnt:  1.Even men get breast cancer. 2. Even men need to check themselves as often as possible.
Ruth Guillaumier
Committee Member
My name is Ruth Guillaumier, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 42 years of age. I had just started picking up my life’s pieces after going through marital separation a few months before, with three little boys aged between 5 and 6, in tow.  At this lowest, my breast care nurse at MDH suggested I contact an NGO for support.  And I contacted ABCF. Esther answered. She supported me ahead of my surgery, and in preparation for chemotherapy over the Christmas period. She was there all throughout my chemotherapy journey, and that is when I started helping her in Foundation matters. I found this really rewarding and therapeutic, so I decided I could be of service to patients just like Esther did with me. My motto is “hold on, keep trying, never give up – it won’t rain forever”. Such is my experience…
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Laura Sammut
Committee Member
I am 38 years old and I have been volunteering with the Foundation for over 15 years, the last 6 years as a Board Member. As a working mother of two young girls, it can be challenging to juggle it all but it gives me great pleasure to know that we are making a huge difference to people who are on the cancer journey while raising awareness on early detection and prevention of breast cancer.
Dr. Brian Cassar
Committee Member
I am a physiotherapist as well as a medical illustrator. During these last 35 years I have worked in almost every sector within the national health system, both in the clinical and administrative sectors. The clinical expertise gained over these years coupled together with a vast knowledge in audio-visual production, have helped me provide patients with clear and easy to understand health-related information. I have been a committee member of the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation since 2016.
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Stephen Attard
Committee Member
I joined the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation in 2017. I am married to Rosiella Attard and we have two boys, Mauro, 21 years old and Luke, 18 years old, both students. I worked at the Spanish Embassy in Malta. I have been involved in the volunteering sector ever since the age of 18 but volunteering for the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation has given me the courage to do new things.
Helen Margaret Muscat
M.Q.R. Co-Founder
(14th April 1956 – 19th October 2013)
Helen was the cofounder and first Chairperson of the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation. Being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 did not stop her from taking an active role to better the services and care offered to breast cancer patients. Remembered as an inspirational campaigner through her support of others, she drew upon her experience to help and encourage these patients to live a normal life the best way possible.
More about her story
Help us ease the journey of breast cancer patients – Action for Breast Cancer Foundation VO/0058